8390 Hidrolik Freze Flanşı

Stoktan Teslim

Menşei : İtalya



The Hub consists of two hardened steel sleeves with an intermediate layer of grease as a pressure medium, which is adjustable with piston pushed by a screw.

Teknik Bilgi
Ürün KoduDD1LdL1L2
8390 535 0755010075354055
8390 635 0756010275354055
8390 540 0755010075404055
8390 640 0756010275404055
8390 640 0956010895406075
8390 640 11560108115408095
8390 650 0756010275504055
8390 650 0956010895506075
8390 650 11560108115508095
8390 538 085501008538,10 (1 1/2”)5065
8390 646 075601027546,03 (1 13/16”)4055
8390 646 095601089546,03 (1 13/16”)6075
8390 646 1156010811546,03 (1 13/16”)8095
Bilgi Al

Bilgi Al

  • 7 + 76 =