6387 – 6388 Diamond 45° Değişebilir Uçlu Kenar Bantlama Ön Frezeleri (Asimetrik)

Stoktan Teslim

Menşei : İtalya



Premilling cutter for finishing on MDF or particleboard coated panels.


Edge banding machines.


Manufactured with ERGAL resistant special light alloy, changeable and sharpenable PCD inserts H3 mm positioned at 45° shear angle – asymmetrical design, balanced G2,5 at 18000 RPM.

Teknik Bilgi
Ürün KoduAçıklamaDBB1dZKesici Ağız SayısıDiamond Uç Vida
6387 080 034Rh Rotation80344430DKN 3+312
6388 080 034Lh Rotation80344430DKN 3+312
6387 080 048Rh Rotation80485830DKN 3+315
6388 080 048Lh Rotation80485830DKN 3+315
6387 080 063Rotazione Dx80637330DKN 3+318
6388 080 063Rotazione Sx80637330DKN 3+318
6387 100 034Rotazione Dx100344430DKN 3+312
6388 100 034Rotazione Sx100344430DKN 3+312
6387 100 048Rotazione Dx100485830DKN 3+315
6388 100 048Rotazione Sx100485830DKN 3+315
6387 100 063Rotazione Dx100637330DKN 3+318
6388 100 063Rotazione Sx100637330DKN 3+318
6387 125 034Rotazione Dx125344430DKN 3+312
6388 125 034Spare part: PCD Knife125344430DKN 3+312
6387 125 048Spare part: Screw125485830DKN 3+315
6388 125 048Rh Rotation 125485830DKN 3+315
6387 125 063Lh Rotation125637330DKN 3+318
6388 125 063Rh Rotation125637330DKN 3+318
6389 160 033Lh Rotation16x15x3
8310 005 000Rh RotationM5x15 T20
Bilgi Al

Bilgi Al

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